Administrative Area

... In the area of ​​administrative law our firm provides advice to companies engaged in commissary goods and / or services to government agencies, both federal and state and municipal governments, particularly with regard to granting titles municipal utilities ,television  broadcasting (VHF and UHF), some concessions in telecommunications (cellular telephony, paging) as well as in international bidding processes related to the construction of roads and bridges, design and construction of water treatment plants, design and treatment plant construction and waste recycling, garbage collection in cities, and concessions related to the establishment of outdoor advertising through street furniture. This firm also provides services in litigation administrative, both with regard to resources and judgments in procurement, as in cases involving concessions, permits, licenses and authorizations of all kinds, whether federal, state or municipal.

... Likewise, we specialize in everything related to the procedures of admission, stay and departure of foreigners, as well as everything related to the permissions that apply to the Migration Service, in terms of quality and migratory characteristics of according to the General Population Act and its Regulations, the Federal Law  Administrative Procedures and the rules and criteria to this effect issued by the Secretaria de Gobernacion. In addition to the procedures to acquire Mexican nationality by naturalization, and in general, everything related to the administrative proceedings and resolutions immigration that fall on them.